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icon of target bullseye
Targeted Treatment
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When Care Gets Complex.

Treatment doesn't have to be.

There are times when complex care exceeds the capabilities of existing treatment. In those critical moments, you either rise to the occasion with proven and effective treatment or your patient finds someone else who will.

It’s time to integrate better options.

Empowering a Better Way Forward.

At Spark Biomedical, we understand the challenges you face in complex care scenarios.

That’s why we’re pioneering non-invasive bioelectric medicine designed specifically to meet your most critical needs and the needs of your patients. Our current FDA-cleared wearable neurostimulation solution, for opioid withdrawal, Sparrow Ascent, is improving and saving lives every day.

Spark Biomedical's Sparrow Ascent product image

It’s also the platform from which new innovative treatment options are evolving in:

Used by the world's leading companies

Introducing Transcutaneous Auricular Neurostimulation (tAN®)

Non-invasive, Targeted, On-Demand Bioelectronic Medicine Addressing These Complex Needs

An adjunct solution when: existing treatments fall short, medication reduction is the goal, or autonomic nervous system balance is needed for symptom relief.

A proven bioelectronic alternative when traditional treatments aren’t an option—whether due to drug interactions, side effects, lack of available treatments, medical constraints, personal choice, or the need for a new clinical care pathway.

Sparrow Ascent Earpiece packages
Sparrow Ascent Earpieces

Staying Ahead of Complexity.

Running the status quo on repeat when faced with patient or indication complexity means everyone loses — the facility, the staff, and most importantly the patients. It's time to:

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Empower the facility
With options to differentiate and grow while avoiding risks and potential losses

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Empower staff
With the tools necessary to address complexity in the moment and keep patients moving forward

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Empower patients
To remain actively engaged in treatment so they move beyond the concerns of their complex needs

man using Sparrow Ascent device while looking out of window

Ready to Transform Care?

Discover how solving for complex care can create a better way forward.

Explore Better Options

Discover how cutting-edge neurostimulation technology is transforming mental health today—and explore its groundbreaking potential in pediatrics, hemostasis, and women’s health. Stay ahead of the future of treatment.

Elevate Patient Care with Innovative Solutions

Bridge the gap in treatment with neurostimulation technology that evolves with your needs. Discover solutions that expand your capabilities and drive better patient outcomes.

Lead the Future of Treatment

Redefine what’s possible in patient care. Partner with us to pioneer groundbreaking neurostimulation therapies that set new standards and empower a better way forward.


Success Stories


My experience using sparrow therapy was definitely a positive one and a miracle at that. Ever since I got in an accident 7 years ago I was given opioids for the pain and was never able to kick the addiction. I was never able to go to rehab because I needed to work. Sparrow therapy gave me my life back. It’s so easy to use, I was able to go to work with the device. I am now almost 3 months sober and it’s all because of sparrow therapy!


I was shooting meth and heroin every day for the last three years. There was nothing I could find to give me relief. The only thing that gave me relief was getting this thing (Sparrow Therapy) put on my ear. It’s been the best decision of my life. I literally got relief in an hour. It’s like it quieted my brain. I didn’t have the sense of fear and panic I usually did. It’s amazing. I’m so thankful I had the opportunity to use this new technology.


The stimulation produced by the Sparrow system felt comfortable and pleasant. I actually found it to be soothing and distracting in a positive way. I’m grateful that I was able to use the Sparrow System and even more grateful that the entire process was nowhere as uncomfortable or as difficult as I had anticipated. I highly recommend and encourage the use of the Sparrow System for anyone wanting to get off any type of opiate.


It was what it says it does. I was desperate to get off of [MAT]. This device works. Today I have 40 days clean. If you want to get clean this is it . No detox’s, no waiting in line to get your meds. Put this device on and all the magic starts happening . I am so blessed with what it did.

J K.

It’s completely different because you don’t have to worry about waking up in the morning and waiting for your taper and getting sick. It’s already making you feel better. It’s helping you physically and mentally. I didn’t feel foggy from all of the taper meds. I just felt clear.


In the beginning, I was skeptical, thinking there is no way that the horrific side effects that I have experienced in the past when I have attempted decreasing or stopping the medication on my own would subside by an earpiece. But with a lot of research and support from the Sparrow rep, I bit the bullet and purchased the device, and it literally was such an easy transition and life changer that made it 100% worth it. I would recommend this hands-down to anyone who is considering to purchase. You will not have the anxiety and or depression that you feel when you stop medication on your own. In my experience by day 2, I felt little to no discomfort and for the first time felt hopeful that this time I would stick with the process. I 100% would recommend this device to everyone considering stopping medications.


Spark a Conversation

Go behind the scenes on the creation of wearable neurostimulation solutions.

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Our Origin Story

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Our Clinical Story

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The Vision for Sparrow

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